Center against human trafficking

Mobile health services for hard to reach people

Education Health

The project is aimed at securing the health of foreign potential victims of human trafficking as well as supporting and informing around and securing access to the offers and possibilities they are entitled to, in accordance with the national Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings 2007 – 2012 (’Handlingsplan til bekæmpelse af handel med mennesker 2007-2010’).

The offer covers central and northern Jutland as there are insufficient health offers for potentially trafficked women in this area. In order to contribute to womens’ health and access to services and support, the project has the overriding goal of bringing relevant health promoting and social offers to foreign women in prostitution, who are not themselves seeking such offers. Besides concrete examinations and treatments, the project has a prophylactic and health promoting aim – to secure an improved life for the woman. This involves counselling, guidance and a focus on the general health of the woman.

Finally, the project will establish whether a health offer, such as this, can provide more and better contact and access to potentially trafficked women, including women who social workers have difficulties initiating dialogue with.